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Being the Interviewer

I interviewed Brianna and edited the interview. I decided to ask her about the sports she plays and since she was really passionate about dogs so I decided to ask her more questions that were animal based. I also knew she had two siblings so I made sure to ask her about that. I decided then I knew I was going to edit in animals and have her talk about her favorite classes at BBA and what she would change. In the editing process I was a little too hot with the music and came across some bad quality photos. I think the color correction was great and really brought her out and made it pop. I then decided to add in the videos of German Shepards which I came across a really great one the had beautiful quality. Overall I think the editing process was my favorite part about all of this.

Being Interviewed 

Being interviewed for me was a little nerve wrecking. I don't really like to talk about myself that much and feel that I don't have anything to provide thats interesting. I messed up a couple times but felt the questions were well presented and well thought out. I like how Blake asked me a lot about animals since I'm very passionate about them and want to be a veterinarian(which was included in the interview). I feel next time I should be a little more confident with my words.

Behind the Camera

I felt that I really enjoyed being behind the camera. The 7D had amazing quality and using it to zoom and get the focus on his eyes was really intriguing to me. I didn't really change the angle since we had it set but now looking back at the interviews I would've liked to get more of an angle. I love the feeling of getting a right shot, it feels so self rewarding. I want to improve in this area and really get more use to the 7D so I can become more "fluent" in knowing what settings to use in different situations. This was also probably one of my favorite parts besides editing.

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