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News Ideas

ITVFest coming to town and what the town is doing to prepare for the event.

Hampton Inn and what is going on there now and an update.

The 20 million dollars and the plan with the building and when it will most likely start.

News Story - 20 Million

This news story was definitely challenging. It was time consuming but kept me pumped to make something amazing and kept me working non-stop which I loved. It took a lot of planning and being dependent of each other. After setting up the meetings and writing down the question I kind of didn't know what I would be expecting. Until all of us started working together and productively we had a slight success with our first interview. Our first interview with Mr. Tashjin and Mrs. Kenny was a mess a little and my team was in a little panic being the first interview that they've done outside of classmates. I feel my camera angle was actually a little tilted the more and more I watch it. We had some minor problems which we worked through and learned and adapted on set. Based on our results of the first I went back and changed some of the questions for Mr. Freebern and planned out the shot this time. I knew where it would be so I moved him to the other side so the film didn't have this boring look. I wanted to get an outside perspective that I knew wasn't going to be something I expected from a headmaster's point of view. I thought his interview was perfect from the shot to the lighting and audio to the answers he gave. Our audio was definitely quieter in our first interview. I also set up with Mrs. Kenny to go film B-roll of the meeting being held for the new building and 20 million. I spent and hour and a half with Sarina filming trying to get shots of the presentation and the teachers engaging in a personal way but also socially with other teachers. The lighting in the cafeteria was really poor especially on my side where half the lights were shut off so it made my shot quality a little grainy. Lily then edited the film while Boden and I collected the other interviews and B-roll. We then shot our stand-up which took us a little time. We came up with the script on the spot but due to trucks going past and quiet speaking in some spots it took longer then expected. Our lighting was a little rough but fit and I felt I composed the shot pretty well. Overall I honestly had so much fun and to see the results and see what I had to improve on was rewarding to me. 

News Story - ITVFest

I think for this piece I was a little more prepared. Thanks to Muench giving me Phillip Gilpin Jr's contact info I was able to schedule a date to discuss ITVFest and the exciting news about this year. We sent a lot of emails back and forth and set up different times that we were flexible to do the interview and what times. Due to my work schedule I was not able to meet him at an event they were holding at the library. It pushed us back in days but definitely didn't hurt us. We got the day and time set in stone and went from there. I made up the questions the day before and planned to ask him additional questions if he had time. We then set out Thursday at 9:20 am to achieve our goal. I didn't have a planned out shot now knowing what the building totally looked like and where we could film. We came there 30 minutes early and was set up completely 10 minutes before he arrived. I made sure to test audio and video before he came to not waste his time. Learning from our first news story I made sure we were balanced and had a level shot. I knew for lighting I wanted the background also lighted which a third light on maybe a gorilla stand would have come in handy. I mange to get it in the shot and also light his hair. The audio of the place itself was a little crap and had a bit of an echo. The sound from outside at some points were also really noticeable so I tried to cut it mostly out of the interview. He ended up giving a lot of good answers and when editing it hurt me to cut out some of the stuff he said because it really showed the true nature of film making and how it brings people together. When editing I set up the clips in a interview set up but after having him answer my additional question pointed towards the youth and community of BBA I wanted make it a promo video. A video that would get you hyped and wanting to be involved. I tried to add some fun music to spice it up and add in some good b-roll of BBA students but past projects they had. Overall I had an amazing time working on this and it just was so rewarding to be prepared and have a good outcome. 


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