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Scene Analysis

I decided to pick the "Your Move Chief" scene from Good Will Hunting. This scene is starts off with an establishing shot of them at the park. The scene is the day after Will goes to Sean's office for his therapy. Here at the park, Sean let Will knows his experiences and is pretty vulnerable by doing this. I feel the shot creates this feeling like you're there part of the conversation. It's personal and you feel that when watching the scene itself. In a behind the scenes, the camera and the crew are all closeup and on a track in front of both actors. This scene is so powerful and Sean is showing Will that he's smart but he doesn't know everything, he hasn't experienced the same things. Sean is basically trying to get Will to talk about himself and open up. This scene is such a keystone to the movie because it sets up the next events and finally leads to Will understanding what Sean is trying to get him to understand. This later makes Will reflect on who he is and what he hopes to become, which shows how Sean was successful in this scene in getting Will to open about himself and overall be a better person.

The camera shots give everything to this scene. Most of the scene is shot completely on Sean. We get this sense of privacy as I said before but they also give us a little more incite on the topics Sean talk about. When he talks about love we see the camera gradually zooms out to also show Will in the shot with Sean, creating the idea that he is being exposed by Sean's words. The camera angles are also used to open up the actors emotion, the closeup gives us how Will feels after or during the conversation and how Sean is feeling during this scene as he tells Will all these experiences in his life. After the conversation the shot is the opening shot once again with only Will there, left to think about what was just said to him. It kind of gives this sense that Will is really alone, which is set up well by putting the family in the shot next to him. 

I don't feel the lighting gives much in this scene compared to other but it gives us the park vibe that we expected and lights their faces well to show us all their emotions. The sound in the scene worked really well staying quiet enough to the level where is seems personal but also gets louder as Sean continues to expose Will. It's powerful in the sense that he is getting to Will, which can be told by Will's silence. The scene also opens and closes with the sounds of the park which disappeared during the conversation. I feel this choice was well thought out because I feel the noises would take away from the conversation making the audience focus on something else besides what Sean is saying. 

This scene's dialogue is basically the most important part of this. The monologue Sean gives is compelling and gets Will to really think about his life and himself as an individual. Finally the last words said by Sean, "Your move chief," sets up the next events that come later in the film. These words being said as the camera pans back to Will as he thinks gives us this hope that Will eventually will go back to Sean and finally open up to him so he can help Will. This scene to me is definitely the changing point of the movie and really helps change Will as he is trying to change his life. 


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